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About Beeper

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    BSCortina Addict
  • Birthday January 1

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    Had Toyota, loved it. Now a Peugeot. err

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  1. £50 and no bids. I can't imagine why.
  2. Rag and a cassette box? That's nothing. When I had my old VW T2 camper. The heater tube from the back end was so rotted, what came out of the dash vents to demist the screen wasn't even as powerful as going "Hhhhhhhhhh" into the palm of your hand!! I kid you not. One wintery morning, on my way to work (early shift so about 5:30 am), I was spraying de icer on the INSIDE of the screen which, re-froze almost straight away!!! Oh the joys of classic motoring. These days I have a demist button, which activates something like a force 9 gale onto my windscreen!
  3. Thanks for the offer, I'll keep you in mind.
  4. Nice to see it out of the garage. Sadly mine has sat in its lockup since it's last MOT wayyyy back in 2015!
  5. I read somewhere not too long ago that Texaco supreme 99 (yes, I know it's not the cheapest around) E5 had virtually no ethanolin it. ALso Esso. These videos 2 years old by the way. FInding a Texaco or esso that has pumps with 3 hoses is now the new game!
  6. Yes, Jack Boswell, the one with a van. True story about Doddys' teeth.
  7. That was a programme called 'What Now?'. That was on TV 86 or 87. ... at the end of the intro, the shot of a road and church yard is just around the corner from Sir Ken Dodds' house. The kerb on the left of the road is where Doddy tripped up on his way to choir practice as a boy, damaging his upper teeth. That's how he got those choppers. My claim to fame is, my Dad used to be his milkman. Oh and yes and Knotty Ash IS a real place. Funny how far off topic this thread has beccome.
  8. Spotted a couple of evenings ago. Unusually, left hand drive and the driver had a 1970's hair do. Near Prescot, Merseyside. Is it anyone on here?
  9. Pete's back on YT.
  10. I assume you're not talking about Christine as I first thought and Craig too, but this. It looks like a fun little film.
  11. It wouldn't be too big a job though would it? Just a few pieces of sheet steel cut to size/shape and welded into the holes between the cross bracing behind the seat. Also, in the VW world you can get engine bay fire suppression kits for the engine bays, as the tank sits in its' own compartment behind the giant fan housing and between the engine and passenger compartment. You can get similar systems on ebay. Not too cheap like, but how much do you value your car and passengers? I suppose.
  12. Right, that makes sense. My plan, when I was young and stupid with a 2000 GT, was to fit a 3.5 Rover and a Cortina 2.3 V6 back box, so it would still look like a 4 pot from the rear. It never happened though. edit: As an afterthought, couldn't you have fitted a small aluminium beer barrel in the boot as a fuel tank? Mind you, I imagine the fuel filler pipe would be a bit tricky to concoct because of where the filler neck is located.
  13. Along with all the other errors, the title says "the best selling car of the 70's" but the Mk5 in the first pic, which he apparently drove, was made in 1982!
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