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chelseablue last won the day on March 18 2021

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17 Good

About chelseablue

  • Rank
    BSCortina Addict
  • Birthday 06/24/1956

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  • Current Car
    1966 Cortina 2 door 1500GT

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  1. It will loosen up after a while, I managed to get a genuine nos seal many years ago and even that took a while to bed in.
  2. You need the spacer, it acts as a heat sink, why not fit a new electric pump, it's a big improvement on the old mechanical pump.
  3. Mine had been hand painted with Woolworths household gloss by the original owner, I reckon he must have used a trowel to apply it, did its job as my GT was relatively rust free, but my god what a job getting the paint off that was.
  4. Certainly is, mines been back to bare metal twice in the 38 years I've owned her, now considering doing it again to put her back to her original colour (Black Cherry) btw, you'll have no problem removing that vent panel👍
  5. Remove the side window and trim as one piece, the window trim then easily pulls out from the rubber (replace as one piece as well) When the window is removed, you should see some rivets holding the vent panel on, drill them out and the vent panel pulls off, you may need to remove the rear window as well, the vent itself is attached to the panel by four small rivets, when I did mine, I re-fixed everything with some small self tapping screws.
  6. Problem is, the data comes from the DVLA, and this is not always accurate, eg, I have a MK1 GT, but the V5 only says Cortina 1498, this happens all the time, I would take the info from that site with a pinch of salt👍
  7. I had a similar problem after rebuilding a glass bowl pump on my GT, in the end I threw it out and fitted a new pump, problem solved, oh, you definitely need the insulator between the pump and the block👍
  8. Not sure yet, but hoping I would be able to adapt your pattern
  9. That subframe looks great, any chance you could post a little drawing with the dimensions 👍
  10. Maybe it's due to the way this website compresses the file, I've posted some MK1 articles on FB and they've been fine, didn't want to post MK2 stuff in the MK1 FB page, I could always email you the files.
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