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Cold start wire

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More to the point is are you getting an earth when running and starter disengauged, should be isolated IE no earth or live.


I don't know ... Could you explain how I check please?

Surely the unit is always live? Because it's directly connected to the battery and bolted to the engine block yes?

Edited by greensleaves

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put the negavite probe of the volt meter on the cold start terminal and the positive on the main terminal on the starter if you get a reading on the volt meter then the terminal is shorting out to earth which will cut the ingition out

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put the negavite probe of the volt meter on the cold start terminal and the positive on the main terminal on the starter if you get a reading on the volt meter then the terminal is shorting out to earth which will cut the ingition out


Yes when I touch the probes on the terminals like you said I get a 12v reading!

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And how's about this as a little extra kick in the nuts.... Car started. Ran for 10 minutes. Turned engine off. Tried to restart after 2 mins. Dead, just a couple of clicks. But battery reads 12.5v Charged. What on earth is going on?

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Yes when I touch the probes on the terminals like you said I get a 12v reading!


There's your problem then. I would send it back and get a refund, as i said in a previous thread these are cheap Chinese copies and now you have found out for yourself. cheap is not always best

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I don't know ... Could you explain how I check please?

Surely the unit is always live? Because it's directly connected to the battery and bolted to the engine block yes?


The cold start terminal is allways isolated and only live when you crank the engine over, it needs to be isolated from earth at other times or it will short the coil live to earth and stall the car as you are getting.


If the starter is now only clicking i'd say the insides of the solenoid have started to fail due to the constant short circuiting, send it back get a recon/S/H unit, as stated these cheap chinease starters are rubbish (as is 90% of parts coming from china nowdays) :tears:

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Right, I returned the starter. The company said they had no way of testing it and sent me a replacement. Everything works as it should now.😁

So after all that it WAS a dodgy cold start terminal shorting out.

I don't think I would have been able to fathom it if it wasn't for you guys help and perseverance with me. Thank you!

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Glad you got it sorted :thumbup: and thank you for getting back and confirmining the issue :cheers:

a lot of the time people just dissapear and we never get to know what the issue was so cheers for that :cheers:

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